• Is the licensing a “one-time deal” or is it renewed yearly?
– The licensing is a ”one-time” payment. No yearly renewals required.
• Can other data be added to the software?
– The HQ portal of the software allows the end-user to tailor the database to his/her specific needs.
• Can you track other data added to the software?
– Sure, the HQ portal allows the end-user to custom-tailor the pull down fields throughout the database to track for statistical analysis.
• How can I purchase it?
– We accept Purchase Orders, Checks, or payment via Paypal. The software will be immediately available for download upon receipt of Purchase Order or Payment.
• Do I downloaded it or do I receive a CD in the mail?
– Download is the preferred means; however some corporate firewalls will prevent downloading from our servers. In that instance, a CD can be mailed to you upon request, for just the cost of shipping.
• Why is the age calculation not correct?
– It doesn’t re-calculate the date as the record ages but it shows the age of the individual at the time the crime occurred (i.e. FIRST CONTACT DATE – BIRTHDAY = AGE)
• How can I export the data?
– The ”Master Report” button (in the Reporting Module) will export ALL statistics to a tabbed excel spreadsheet for further data manipulation. (Must have a spreadsheet program installed, such as Open Office or MS Office capable of reading .xls spreadsheets).
• I am wondering if there is any way to change some of the headings on the client tab to work better with my data?
– The various headings on the client tab CANNOT be changed by the USER.
• Within each of the statistical categories I need to record whether it was a primary or secondary victim, can I do that?
– Yes! The newest version now has this capability.
• Does the database provide statistical analysis on the ”relationship between victim and perpetrator?”
– Yes! The new version provides statistical analysis between victim and perpetrator relationships via the Defendant Screen in the Database.